Livity Nutritional Supplement | Getz Pharma

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Product Category: Nutritional Supplement

Pack Size: Pack of 400 grams

Livity Nutritional Supplement

Livity Nutritional Supplement is a balanced nutritional supplement by Getz Pharma. Manufactured by North China Pharmaceuticals. It is the best food and nutritional supplement. Its formulation is tested by USFDA Labs.

Obviously, It is a Balanced Nutritional Supp Livity is gluten & lactose-free. It is not in Galactosaemia.  Livity is not in use in children unless recommended by a physician.


Product Category: Nutritional Supplement

Pack Size: Pack of 400 grams

Retail Price: 1500/-

How to get it?

Obviously!  You can buy online through our website or call us at +923005080963.










Instructions for Preparation of one serving of Livity:

  1. So, Pour approximately 195 grams of water.
  2. Then, Add 6 leveled scops gradually.
  3. Also, Stir or shake thoroughly to dissolve the powder.

Special Instructions:

  • Consume it after reconstitution immediately or cover it and store it in the refrigerator to use within 24 hours.
  • One can of 400 grams powder yields 7 servings.
  • Always, Follow physician or qualified health professional directions when starting tube feeding, the flow rate volume and dilution are dependent on patient condition and tolerance. 
  • Care should be taken to avoid contamination of this product during preparation and administration.


Always store in a cool and dry place.

Hence, Keep all medicines out of the reach of the children.