Avico Cough Syrup
Avico Cough Syrup, Ivy leaf’s anti-inflammatory properties make it as effective as ambroxol’s medicine in treating chronic bronchitis. More. Some people find relief from bronchitis symptoms by using anti-inflammatory herbs. These plants, also known as demulcents, typically contain complex polysaccharides and have a calming effect.
Brand: Foray
Product Category: Cough Syrup
Retail Price: 180/-
How to get it?
Obviously! You can buy online through our website http://fareedpharma.com or call us at +923005080963.
The German Commission E has given ivy leaf as an expectorant the green light for treating chronic inflammatory bronchial diseases and productive coughs. Ivy leaf was equally beneficial as the medicine ambroxol in a single, randomized, double-blind human experiment for relieving the symptoms of chronic bronchitis.
Do any adverse effects occur when taking ivy leaf medications?
It is unclear how often people experience adverse reactions to ivy leaf treatments, such as stomach and gut issues, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and allergic reactions like hives, skin rash, and trouble breathing.